A Gradient in Contrast

Blind Shadows

Capturing a sunset while experimenting with the iPhone camera’s exposure setting.

Vijay Krishna Palepu
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2022


Sunsets can change colors as the sun dips out of view: from golden to brown to orange to purple. And things get evermore interesting when your camera’s exposure setting gets involved.

This past weekend, I was feeling too cold to witness one such sunset. So instead, I opened the blinds in my living room and enjoyed some dusky hues from the warmth of my apartment. And to make things interesting, I was playing with my iPhone camera’s exposure setting, which allowed me to capture vivid colors of the sunset, with the blinds in my living room offering a dark contrast.

ISO 40; Exposure: -2.6ev; Apperture: f1.6, Shutter Speed: 1/120s; Time: 05:33:38pm
ISO 40; Exposure: -1.4ev; Apperture: f1.6, Shutter Speed: 1/120s; Time: 05:38:00pm
ISO 100; Exposure: -1.7ev; Apperture: f1.6, Shutter Speed: 1/120s; Time: 05:42:47pm
ISO 250; Exposure: 0ev; Apperture: f1.6, Shutter Speed: 1/60s; Time: 05:46:02pm

I sorted the photos above in the chronological order in which I captured them, and I include the exposure value and timestamps for each photo in their captions (all of the same sunset, taken from the same vantage point — my couch 🛋). It was pretty revealing to see the different colors that the camera can capture at different times of the sunset, and particularly at different exposure values. (Maybe I am stating the obvious here — I have a lot to learn about photography.)

I will experiment with sunrises next 🌅

Unlike me, my wife loves to brave the cold to capture a perfect sunset. So, while she was out on the balcony, I got this silhouette of hers — again as a low exposure shot. This was the last such picture I captured that evening. The stark shadows formed by her silhouette and the blinds, against the hues of a fast fading dusk caught me off-guard.

Dusky Silhouettes



Vijay Krishna Palepu

researcher • software • program analysis . debugging • UCI • blogger • software visualizations • Microsoft • Views my own • https://medium.com/cfh-during-wfh